American Update: Mighty Marvel Firsts: 2001: A Space Odyssey! Kosmic Kirby A La Kubrick inc 1st Machine Man
*Marvel: Following Kirby’s tabloid-sized Treasury Special, liberally adapting the Kubrick cinematic blockbuster, Marvel green-lit an ongoing series exploring the milieu of 2001: A Space Odyssey, giving artist/writer Kirby a free hand to explore all of time and space – perhaps too free a hand, as while time-transcending spectacle there was in abundance, the lack of a central cast left the readership feeling ‘unanchored’ to the series. This was remedied to an extent with issue #8, and Kirby’s introduction of X-51 (later known variously as Mister Machine and Machine Man), a humanoid robot in search of his soul, who became the protagonist for the rest of the series, spinning off into his own title and becoming part of the main Marvel Universe. The entire 10-issue series of 2001: A Space Odyssey is now restocked: illustrated is issue #8, X-51’s premier appearance, NM at £65. SORRY, PICTURED ITEM NOW SOLD