American Update: Mighty Marvel Firsts: Debut of the Contessa (Val) in Strange Tales #159
*Marvel: One of the surprise reveals in the recent Falcon & Winter Soldier smash hit TV series was the debut of Contessa Valentina Allegro De Fontaine (‘Val’ for short). Although Val’s origins, motives and indeed affiliations seem shrouded in mystery, it was much simpler back in her first comic appearance in Strange Tales #159, where she portrayed herself as an Italian noblewoman enrolled in SHIELD’s spy-school and created by the multi-talented Jim Steranko, in an issue guest-starring Captain America. (Also in this issue, a superb Dr Strange story by Roy Thomas and Marie Severin). A reasonable pence printed mid-grade copy with moderate spine, edge and corner wear, unspoilt cover image, good staples and okay pages. There is a small 25p price written in biro at the edge of the logo.