American Update: Mighty Marvel Firsts: Double Down with the New Mutants – Cable AND Deadpool premiere issues
*Marvel: The ‘X-Men in Training’ series of the 1990s, New Mutants, brought the world the debuts of two characters who were to change the face of comics – whether that’s a good thing, the jury’s still out on… Behind a cover by Rob Liefeld AND Todd McFarlane (Mr. Ambassador, you are spoiling us…), New Mutants #87 brought us the first full appearance of Cable, the time-travelling master of nobody’s-quite-sure-what-his-powers-are, who took over as the New Mutants’ mentor, launched X-Force, traversed the aeons with sundry mutant babies, and ended up co-starring in the second Deadpool movie! Issue #98 of the same series brought us, in addition to the oft-overlooked debut of Domino, the first appearance of Deadpool, the Merc-With-A-Mouth who took comics – and, later, the cinematic world – by storm. Although very different from his later characterisation, this is nevertheless the very first Deadpool, and highly sought after. Our latest New Mutants issue #87, first full Cable, is GD, pence priced, with moderate wear, and a 1cm tear through the lower edge of the comic (approximately under the ‘B’ of ‘Cable’) in the lower cover blurb. This is on sale at £30. Our latest New Mutants #98 is a bit nicer, FN+ cents copy with very faint wear around the staple area, but otherwise exemplary; on sale at £125. SORRY, #87 NOW SOLD