American Update: Mighty Marvel Firsts: Marvel Super-Heroes #13 – 1st Carol Danvers (Later Ms and Captain Marvel)
*Marvel: In the year 1968, the ‘tryout’ title Marvel Super-Heroes #12 saw the debut of Captain Marvel, a warrior of the spacefaring Kree Empire who masqueraded as a human on Earth. In issue #13, his second appearance, a new member of the Captain’s supporting cast was introduced, and it is she who is the focus of this update. Carol Danvers, even when a civilian, was a former USAF officer who was the head of security at a restricted military base – an unusual post for a woman in 1968. When her DNA later got merged with the alien genome of the Captain (happens all the time when you hang around supers) she gained powers of her own, becoming the first Ms. Marvel, and then – after brief forays as ‘Binary’ and ‘Warbird’, of which we do not speak – the current holder of the Captain Marvel title. Given the imminence of the ‘Captain Carol’ movie – as those of you paying attention at the end of Avengers: Infinity War will have noted – #13 is commanding ever-higher prices, despite Carol’s non-powered status therein. This new copy is a sound and clean GD+, pence, with moderate wear at edges and corners and a slightly dented upper spine. On sale at £125. SORRY, THIS HAS NOW SOLD