American Update: Power Man and Iron Fist – Together Again For the First Time!
*Marvel: We have the separate first appearances of what would become Marvel Comics’ ‘Odd Couple’, Power Man and Iron Fist, new in this update. Luke Cage came first in 1972’s Luke Cage, Hero for Hire #1, at the height of the 70s Blaxploitation craze, and clichés abounded in his origin, but co-creators Archie Goodwin and George Tuska were soon replaced with a more simpatico creative team, and he went on to become an integral fixture of the Marvel Universe. Similarly, in 1974’s Marvel Premiere #15, Daniel Rand became Iron Fist, Marvel’s second martial-arts hero (after Shang-Chi, Master of Kung Fu), cashing in on another cinematic craze of the day – though creators Roy Thomas and Gil Kane added in a heaping helping of older Shangri-La style mysticism for good measure. Both Luke and Danny transcended their derivative origins to become enduring popular characters, but their true synergy was released when their features were combined, and the two teamed up as very unusual private investigators – a partnership which continues today into other media as Luke Cage and Iron Fist, in addition to each having their own Netflix series, are teamed in the forthcoming Defenders TV show! Luke Cage, Hero For Hire #1 is FN+ at £150; Marvel Premiere #15 is also FN+ at £150, but would probably grade slightly higher if not for two small discreet ’10c’ price stamps on the cover – below the issue number and on the Comics Code seal – which we direct your attention to in the accompanying scan. SORRY, LUKE CAGE NOW SOLD