American Update: Spider-Mania: #151-200, including 1st Black Cat
*Marvel: For this week’s selection in our Spider-Mania event, we turn to Amazing Spider-Man #151-200, with selections from the long, arid period of non-distribution. This update features issues previously unrepresented in our inventory, and includes clashes with classic villains Kingpin, Shocker and Green Goblin, as well as guest-appearances by Nova, Nightcrawler, and some of the Punisher’s earliest recorded gigs! The most significant item in this run, however – even eclipsing the double-thick special Anniversary #200 – is #194, with the first appearance of the larcenous lady who would become Spidey’s most beloved enemy – the Black Cat! Issue #194 is FN+ at £40; for grade and price details of the others, see our online catalogue. SORRY, SPIDEY #194 HAS NOW SOLD