American Update: Spider-Mania: Amazing Spider-Man #12 – Unmasked by Dr Octopus
*Marvel: Not a dream! Not an imaginary tale! (How very DC-like of Marvel to use those blurbs!) How does Spidey get out of this one? Well, we’re not saying… In the 12th issue of Amazing, Spidey comes up again against the dastardly Doc Ock, with the results shown on the cover. Not at all a bad copy this, with some gloss and a rich yellow background, good firmly attached staples and nice page quality. There is a small amount of Marvel chipping along the right edge, a mostly-erased pencil or pen mark centrally above the logo with a small spot of discolouration and a 5 cm upper spine split. We’ve awarded a grade of Apparent VG+, due to there being a missing advert page; the story is complete. This makes this pence printed copy relatively bargainaceous. Like most issues of Amazing Spider-Man below #20, it won’t be with us for long.