American Update: Spider-Mania continues: ‘Face It, Tiger, You Just Hit the Jackpot!’ and much more
*Marvel: A Spider-Stonker this week, with around sixty new entries in the Amazing Spider-Man section, commencing with #42, the first ‘Full MJ’, (Mary Jane Watson had cameoed in a few preceding issues, but her face was artfully concealed; this was the famous issue in which Peter Parker realised he’d hit the jackpot…), and encompassing most issues through to #97, plus Annuals #3 to #7, taking in along the way the first appearances of friends, foes and frenemies the Prowler, Silvermane, the Schemer, the Shocker and the ever-kuddly Kangaroo, as well as famous clashes with the Avengers, Quicksilver, Madame Medusa, the Black Widow and of course Spidey’s classic Rogues: Doctor Octopus, Electro, Mysterio, the Vulture and so on. Mostly in attractive mid to high grades, these stories by Stan Lee and (mostly) John Romita will enhance every Spider-Phile’s collection! #42, pictured, is VG/FN at £50, a stunning cover with superb deep unfaded colour and gloss; for grades and prices on the rest – well, you should know where to look by now, True Believer! SORRY, SPIDEY #42 NOW SOLD