American Update: Spider-Mania for Halloween Week featuring the Green Goblin
*Marvel: What better way of tying in our Spider-Mania event to Halloween Week than by featuring several issues with appearances by his arch-nemesis the Green Goblin, that most Halloweenesque of all the classic Spidey villains? We have the early issues #23 (FN+ £125) and #26 (VF £200), as well as the classic #39 featuring the debut of John Romita on art duties, plus the non-code approved drugs Goblin trilogy (#96-98) and the first two appearances of Harry Osborn as the Goblin in #136 & #137. Goblin issues are always among the most fiercely sought after of Spidey’s adventures, so don’t dally if you want any of these. And more from Spider-Mania next week!