American Update: The Atlas Explosion! The Wars of 1957 – Commando Adventures, GI Tales and Navy Tales
*War: A trinity of short-run titles launched in 1957, as Atlas was struggling to regain its Pre-Code audience. Commando Adventures lasted only two issues despite artwork from Severin (who did both eye-catching covers), Drucker and Romita. G.I. Tales took over the numbering of the defunct Sgt. Barney Baxter from #4, lasting two further issues to #6. Issue #4 was inventory Barney Baxter stories by Severin, the other two were anthology war including work by Powell, Colan and Orlando. And Navy Tales was a stablemate to the previously established Navy Action, but floundered after four issues, the artistic efforts of Powell, Crandall, Williamson and Mayo – among others – notwithstanding. Three complete series available for your attention; illustrated is Commando Adventures #1 VG+ £29.