American Update: The Good Doctor Collection: Mighty Marvel Firsts: Debut of Wonder Man in Avengers #9
*Marvel: This week, a ‘look back in wonder’ to Avengers #9 and the introduction of Wonder Man. One of the things that ‘everyone knows’ – which means it’s only 50% likely to be true at best – is that when Marvel introduced Wonder Man as a misunderstood reluctant villain, DC, who of course publish Wonder Woman, said ‘Oi! No!’, and forced Marvel to kill off Wonder Man for fear of reprisals from DC (whose distributors were also handling Marvel at the time). Later, when Marvel were free from DC’s yoke, they reintroduced Wonder Man, giving Simon Williams a convoluted history of being related to both the villainous Grim Reaper and the android Vision (family dinners are a right larf in the Marvel Universe…), and establishing him as a long-running Avenger and star of his own series. This is where Wonder Man’s strange history began, and this is a very decent cents copy, with minor spine wear and a tiny chip out at the bottom of the spine. Nice cover colour and gloss and an unmarked cover image. There are soft creases at the edge of the top and bottom right corners, which do not break colour. Very nice white to off-white pages with firm staples at spine and centre. A good-looking copy that presents well.