American Update: The Sensational Spider… Gwen?
*Marvel: A bit ‘modern’ for us, but nevertheless a significant issue; #2 of the Edge of Spider-Verse series, from 2014, introduced a myriad parallel versions of Spider-Man and his arachnid-irradiated chums, all web-swinging their own ways across a pan-dimensional crossover – but one caught the public’s eye, spinning off into her own series! In one parallel world, it was Gwen Stacy who became Spider-Woman… but now – owing to complications too numerous and tedious to list (Secret Wars….zzzz….coma….), she’s alive and well and active in the mainstream Marvel Universe! Edge of Spider-Verse #2 gave the world its first look at Marvel’s ‘web-stunner’, and prices have been going insane for what was a very limited print-run. This NM first printing is offered at £80.