British Comics Update: 2000 AD – ‘Burger Wars’ and ‘Jolly Green Giant’ Issues
*Boys’ Adventure & War Comics: Newly in, we have three of the four 2000 AD progs set during Judge Dredd’s ‘Cursed Earth’ which, owing to their use of copyrighted properties, were until 2015 banned from being reprinted; #71 and #72, the ‘Burger Wars’ issues, which caused umbrage with MacDonalds and Burger King and #77, the first of the ‘Jolly Green Giant’ numbers, in which a certain verdant behemoth (no, not the Hulk) was an antagonist. Despite the reprint embargo having been lifted owing to a change in copyright law allowing parodic usage, we have found demand for the originals to remain high, judging by the speed with which they’ve sold out previously!
#71 FN £30 SOLD
#72 FN/VF £32.50 SOLD
#77 FN £30