British Comics Update: Quirky Corner: Crasho Comics 1947
*Boys’ Adventure & War Comics: They don’t come much quirkier than this British comic from 1947; US sized with colour cover and blue and white back cover and inside covers and 24 black and white pages. Lead story features Crash Britanus, a costumed super-hero who got his fantastic super-powers by being in the centre of Hiroshima when the bomb exploded. Credited to Crewe Davies, but whether this is one or two creators we have no idea. Back-up story is the fantasy Curley & His Magic Flute, plus feature pages. Published by W Daly in Manchester, the back cover promised a second issue, but as far as we have been able to determine, this never happened. We have pictured below the cover and first two pages to give you a flavour of this curious backwater of British comics’ history. There’s a good chance you’ll never see another copy! This one is in a remarkable state of preservation.