British Update: 1940’s/50’s Boys’ Story Papers: Adventure, Champion, Hotspur
*Boys’ Adventure & War Comics: The first half of a mammoth update to our stock of story papers from the 1940’s and 1950’s, featuring Adventure 1946-1954 & 1958/59, Champion 1946-1952 and Hotspur 1945-1954 & 1957/58. Literally hundreds of new issues into stock for these titles, from a time of plucky derring-do and ripping yarns. Evocative characters such as Strang the Terrible, the Savage Head of St. Jude’s and Nick Swift of the Planet Patrol (Adventure), Ginger Nutt: the Boy Who Took the Biscuit, Rockfist Rogan: the Boxing Airman and Johnny Fleetfoot (Champion) and the Iron Teacher, Cannonball Kidd and Captain Zoom (Hotspur) to name but a few of the myriad stories that kept a generation or two of boys entertained in the middle of the last century. Look out soon for the second half of this update, featuring Rover, Skipper and Wizard. Sample charismatic covers from the three titles featured in this update are shown below: