British Update: Finish 2016 with a Dan Dare story!
*Boys’ Adventure & War Comics: The New Year 1961 issue of the classic Boys’ comic Eagle cajoled you to ‘start 1961 with a Dan Dare story’, so in this huge update for Volumes 11 & 12 of said publication, we invite you to end 2016 with one. And there’s plenty to choose from: 1960 continued Trip To Trouble, ran all of Project Nimbus, then Mission Of The Earthmen which rounded out the year. 1961 commenced with The Solid-Space Mystery, continued with Platinum Planet and began the Earth-Stealers. Of course, although Dan Dare is the iconic British spaceman of the Atomic Age, there are plenty more excellent strips and features to enjoy in Eagle, and we are delighted to have these volumes, previously underrepresented in our stock, now fully charged and virtually complete in a choice of grades and prices.