British Update: Free Gift Farrago! Battle #1-3
*Boys’ Adventure & War Comics: We are exceptionally gifted this week, with the earliest issues of the ground-breaking weekly Battle, all still with their original free gifts! The brainchild of Pat Mills, Battle broke away from the stoic stereotypes of British War Comics, presenting a more naturalistic, more pessimistic, and, yes, more violent picture than before. Early popular features such as “D-Day Dawson” and “Rat Pack” were later joined by “Johnny Red” and “Charley’s War” to controversy and acclaim. We have copies of the first issue in Fine, with a Fine graded gift of “Combat Stickers of World War II”, at £35, and a VG copy (with VG gift) at £25. Issue 2 we can offer in three grades: FN with Fine gift – “Into Battle” Poster – at £25, VG with VG gift at £20, and GD with Good gift at £15: and our sole ‘gifted’ issue 3, with an untouched set of “20 Battle Swap Cards”, is FN £35, with the gift (in our experience less common than those in issues 1 & 2) graded as VF.