British Update: Girl – ‘The Sister Paper To Eagle’ – First volume from 1951/2
*Girls’ Comics: After the success of Eagle – which research showed to have quite a few ‘stealth’ readers of the distaff persuasion – a sister weekly was launched to tap into this market. Rather unimaginatively called ‘Girl’, the new weekly featured the same high-quality production standards as its elder brother, and the same stable of accomplished creators, though replacing valiant astronaut ‘Dan Dare’, Girl frontlined with ‘Kitty Hawke and her All-Girl Air Crew’, daring aviatrixes who challenged men’s supremacy in the skyways. This proved a little too unnervingly liberated for the memsahibs of the Empire, and within a year, following parental objections, Kitty and her gang were replaced by safer, tamer cover stars, plucky schoolgirls ‘Wendy and Jinx’, but these new additions, commencing with #6 and ending with #17, all proudly fly the feminist flag!