British Update: I Say Chaps, It’s a Complete Set of Jolly Old Captain Britain!
*Marvel UK: Marvel UK’s unprecedented and experimental attempt to broaden their readership by generating a new British hero, Captain Britain, was the subject of much controversy, not least because he was created by two Americans (Chris Claremont and Herb Trimpe) who, from the evidence presented here, had never met an English person, and whose interpretation of the UK’s manners and mores made the Austin Powers films look like documentaries. Be that as it may, the character endured to become a respected icon of the medium, and these issues are now attracting keen collector attention, primarily because of early appearances by characters who have become, as the young people say, ‘hot’ in the media. This is a complete run of all 39 weekly issues. Other than the first two issues – with free gifts, in this instance – the most wanted numbers are #8 (1st Betsy Braddock, who turned Japanese and became the X-Men’s scantily-clad ninja mind-warrior Psylocke. As you do.), #9 (2nd Betsy B.) and #19 (1st Lance Hunter, aka ‘Mr. Mockingbird’ from Marvels ‘Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.’ television series.) After a long stretch of a CB TV series being ‘on’ and then ‘off’ production schedules, Rumour Central reports that it’s ‘on’ again – so buy now! Captain Britain Weekly #1 VF with NM Free Gift is £50; #2 FN with NM Free Gift is £35; #8 FN/VF is £80 and #19 FN is £12. For the price and condition of all other issues, see our catalogue pages. SORRY, #1 & #2 NOW SOLD