British Update: Long Hot Summer – Starlord and Tornado Summer Specials from 1978 & 1979
*Boys’ Adventure & War Comics: A brace of one-off sci-fi specials from two short-lived 2000 AD companion titles! 1978’s Starlord was a quality sci-fi weekly, featuring innovative strips such as “Strontium Dog”, “Ro-Busters”, “Planet of the Damned” and “Timequake”, and with more colour pages and slicker paper, seemed to be attempting to upgrade the 2000 AD model. Tornado debuted in 1979, on the then-traditional pulp paper, starring psychic teen delinquent “The Mind of Wolfie Smith”, rebellious slave “Black Hawk”, and superheroic parody “Captain Klep”. Oddly, both series lasted precisely 22 issues before being amalgamated back into 2000 AD, but each produced a single Summer Special on high quality stock, both of which are the rarer and more sought-after of their respective titles. Starlord Summer Special 1978 (with a Gerry Anderson interview and Arthur C. Clarke short story for added cult appeal) and Tornado Summer Special from 1979 are each VF £40. SORRY, THESE HAVE NOW SOLD