British Update: Long Hot Summer – 2000 AD Special Editions
*Boys’ Adventure & War Comics: Three unusual Specials for 2000 AD, the galaxy’s greatest science-fiction comic! From 1977, the very first 2000 AD Summer Special, featuring several of the iconic series and – because the weekly hadn’t been going that long – some other features that looked decidedly quaint to the discerning reader. From 1992, the 2000 AD Action Special, in which some of Britain’s most outlandish comic talents turned their hands to reinventing classic series like the Spider, Kelly’s Eye, the Steel Claw and Mytek – many of which the publishers didn’t actually own, oops, so this puppy’s never going to be reprinted! And finally, the 1988 Winter Special, featuring, among others, the cult slacker superhero strip ‘Zenith’, by Grant Morrison. The 1977 Summer Special ‘Supercomic’ – to give it its full title – is VG at £15; for details of the others, see our online catalogue. SORRY, 1977 SPECIAL NOW SOLD