British Update: Long Hot Summer! Jinty 1976, and the one & only Lindy Summer Special from 1975
*Girls’ Comics: Jinty ran for close to a decade, starring kennel-maid concierge ‘Dora Dogsbody’, maladroit schoolgirl ‘The Jinx From St. Jonah’s’, all-girl Bash St. Kids ‘The Snobs and the Scruffs’, and crusading nurses ‘Angela’s Angels’, among many other features. Well-remembered and well-loved by a generation of ladies, we’re always happy to welcome Jinty Summer Specials back into stock, and our new addition this week is the combo Jinty & Lindy Special from 1976 in FN at £45. But before Jinty & Lindy, there was just Lindy, the short-lived weekly that got gobbled up by its more popular sister! Launched in 1975 for only 20 issues, not even seeing out the year, Lindy nevertheless managed one Summer Special in 1975, a genuinely rare item – we have only seen this copy once in our more than quarter century of trading. Starring now-forgotten strips such as ‘Hard Days For Hilda’, ‘Milk-Round Maggie’, ‘The Millionaire Dog’, ‘Dragonacre’ and ‘The Ghost of Hermit Island’, this rarity is a beautiful Fine copy, and on sale at £60.