British Update: Long Hot Summer: Lion Holiday Specials 1972 & 1980
*Boys’ Adventure & War Comics: The days of summer may seem far away at the moment, but here’s a couple of cheap and cheerful low grade reminders of those happy times enjoying these jumbo-sized specials on the beach, or wherever… 1972 is the Lion & Thunder Holiday Special, featuring Adam Eterno, Zip Nolan, the Steel Commando, Paddy Payne, Spellbinder, Black Max and loads more. It’s a tatty copy with the covers detached from the body of the special and the right edge torn and a little jagged, but it is complete. The 1980 Lion Holiday Special has Robot Archie Vs the Spider as its main feature, but also starring Black Max, Zip Nolan, Captain Condor and again, loads more. A little better, covers attached, but creases and small tears.
1972 FA/GD £12.50
1980 GD £15 SOLD