British Update: New Wave Meets Old School – Bullet, Crisis and Deadline restocked!
*Boys’ Adventure & War Comics: Three separate titles with two very different philosophies recharged this update: 1976’s Bullet, one of the later entries in D.C. Thomson’s adventure oeuvre, nevertheless hewed very firmly to the old school of boys’ weeklies, with war, sport and spies being the staples – underneath the trendy veneer of moustache, mullet and medallion, our protagonist ‘Fireball’ was reassuringly stiff-upper-lipped after all. By contrast, the 1980’s brought the comics revolution in the UK – a halcyon decade in which comics were going to be the next adult mass communications medium (remember then?) and two of the comics in the forefront were Deadline, birthplace of Hewlett and Martin’s Tank Girl, and Crisis, the 2000 AD spin-off which took a dystopian look at the near future. All three of these series have fresh stock – scattered in the case of Deadline, extensive in the cases of Bullet and Crisis – added for your delectation. Full grade and price details, as always, in our catalogue listings.