British Update: Oddities and Esoterica in Boys’ Adventure – Horror, Western and Barbarians!
*Boys’ Adventure & War Comics: A selection of strangeness this update, with some short-run or one-off titles from three decades. From the 1950’s, two of the Comic Bureau albums that baited-and-switched with exciting covers and offered, charitably, a variety of interior art; Mysteries of Unexplored Worlds presents a collection of (as far as we can tell) original sci-fi stories behind a striking Steve Ditko cover from the eponymous Charlton series, and Sharp-Shooter Western Album has a Denis McLoughlin cover and some Buffalo Bill stories by him, with a bunch of other outlaw adventures of varying artistic competence. From the 1960’s, we have the first issue of Macabre Stories, an attempt to launch a comic presenting tales of, the cover assured us, “The Unkown and Supernatural”. So, proofreading not a priority, then. We also have a small top-up to Super DC, the monthly publication which presented black & white reprints of Superman, Batman, and their chums, in an attempt to crack the UK comics market. Lastly, from the 1970’s, Tarkan, the peculiar series of (European-reprint?) barbarian adventures which flickered across the newsagent’s shelves in 1973. Never let it be said that we don’t go all-out to give you a wide choice of historical reading material here in the 30th Century…