British Update: Scream and Scream Again! Complete run of 1984’s “Horror 2000 AD” back in stock!
*Boys’ Adventure & War Comics: Why yes, we did just have a substantial run of the short-lived cult title Scream in recently – but you can never have too much of a good thing, and we’re not going to turn away a complete series if it falls into our lap! Scream was launched in 1984 as a deliberate attempt by IPC/Fleetway to for for the horror genre what 2000 AD had done for science fiction; with talented contributors including Eric Bradbury, Gerry Finley-Day, Jesus Redondo, Mike Western and a novice writer named Alan Moore, the series seemed set to catch on; but public outcry against the horrific nature of the stories in a ‘children’s comic’, coupled with internal wranglings at the publisher, meant it had only a short shelf-life, ending with its fifteenth issue, without even so much as a ‘Great News, Chums!’ to warn readers. “Thirteenth Floor” continued, in much tamer form, into the second series of Eagle, but the series lived on for five years in the form of glossy Holiday Specials. The full run of Scream is back in stock, in low to mid grade, and therefore very affordable copies, together with the 1985 and 1986 Holiday Specials – the latter of which includes a substantial amount of new artwork from superstar artist Dave Gibbons!