Clearance Corner: Nine Oversize Issues of Analog for £25
*Clearance Corner: In the early 1960s the pulp magazine Analog explored a larger format than usual (28 x 21 cm), which emphasised the impact of the artwork on the cover. We are offering 9 of these oversize issues, running from March 1963 to March 1965. Edited by John W Campbell over this time the issues feature both established authors and some young whippersnappers (as they were then) such as Ben Bova, Murray Leinster, Harry Harrison, James H Schmitz, John T Phillifent, Richard McKenna, Christopher Anvil, Lloyd Biggle Jr, J T McIntosh, Norman Spinrad, Clifford D Simak. There are also three contributions by Frank Herbert, The Prophet of Dune parts 1 and 3, and the concluding part of Dune World. All 9 for the bargain price of £25, including free UK postage. SOLD