American Update: Spider-Mania: Sweet Web-Swingin’ Christmas! Spidey Meets Luke Cage in Spider-Man #123
*Marvel: Introduced in 1972 as the star of his own title, Luke Cage, then ‘Hero For Hire’, was Marvel’s third black superhero (after Black Panther and the Falcon) but the first to hold his own book, and Marvel cross-pollinated Luke early on, with a guest-appearance in their top seller, Spider-Man. In ASM #123 (non-distributed in the UK), Spidey misinterprets Luke’s attempts to get a living wage for his heroics as something more sinister and one of those ‘let’s have the heroes clobber each other’ misunderstandings ensues, doubtless hoping to draw readers over to Luke’s own series. A lovely stand-alone issue by Conway, Kane and Romita, and a lovely condition, bright and flat, tight staples at cover and centrefold, sharp corners.