American Update: Strange Tales with the Human Torch & Thing plus Dr. Strange
*Marvel: The long-running horror/mystery title Strange Tales provided the vehicle for the Human Torch’s solo adventures, commencing in #101. In #110 Doctor Strange started featuring, initially intermittently, and later the Torch was joined by the Thing before giving way to Nick Fury in #135. This update runs between #112 and #134, and features a nice blend of super-heroics and the mystic arts. The Torch had some wacky villains, such as the Eel and the Beetle, both debuting here, and this was a period when much of Dr. Strange’s mythos was established at the masterful hands of Lee & Ditko. Guest stars galore include Spider-Man, Iceman, Thor, Loki, Sub-Mariner, Quicksilver & the Scarlet Witch, the Watcher and others. Full details in our catalogue.