American Update: The Good Doctor Collection. Mighty Marvel Firsts: Strange Tales #126 – Debuts of Dormammu and Clea
*Marvel: In Strange Tales #126, the Torch & Thing team-up still held cover sway, as the ‘hot’ half of the Fantastic Four squared off against the Thinker and the Puppet Master – but let’s be real, the long-term money was always on Doctor Strange, and the Master of the Mystic Arts (capably guided by Stan Lee and Steve Ditko), delivered in abundance this issue, with the first appearances not only of perhaps his greatest nemesis, the deadly Dormammu, but also the mystery woman who would become the love of Strange’s life, Clea. (Who was also Dormammu’s niece. Which would make the atmosphere around the Christmas dinner-table a tad frosty, to say the least.) Anyhow, Clea’s just made her debut in the MCU played by Charlize Theron, but I expect you knew that, didn’t you? The Good Doctor Collection copy of Strange Tales #126 is a very respectable mid-grade cents issue, with strong cover colour and gloss, staples tight at spine and centrefold and excellent off-white pages. Edge and spine wear are minimal, with virtually no colour-breaking creasing, and minor corner blunting, with a tiny chip loose but present at the base of the spine.