*Marvel: This update showcases one of Daredevil’s most ‘popular’ foes, the first and second appearances of Bullseye, in Daredevil #131 VF/NM p £80 and #132 VF p £21.
Category Archives: What’s New
American Update: Tales Of Suspense #5
*Marvel: Back before the Marvel Age of Comics, back even before the Big Panty Monsters, in the strange twilight world following the death knell of pre-code horror, Marvel published a plethora of titles featuring cleverly executed sci-fi, fantasy and horror stories, often by star creators. In this period the titles Tales Of Suspense and Tales To Astonish were spawned, both going on to bigger and higher profile futures as the Silver Age Of Super-Heroes got under way. This update features an early issue of Tales Of Suspense, #5, in a nice FN- grade (cents copy, of course). Artists include Steve Ditko and John Forte among others.
British Update: Buster, Chips, Comicolour (1946), Cor, Cracker, Dandy & more
*Humour Comics: A substantial update to our Humour Comics category, with lots of Buster from 1975-1979, 1982, 1985 & 1990, a solitary Chips from 1951, a cornucopia of Cor from 1970-1974, Cracker from 1975 & 1976, a couple of Dandys from 1965/66, a raft of Classics From The Comics, the 21st Century DC Thomson vintage reprint title, and a rare Swan Comicolour from 1946 (#2 VG £12).
American Update: Classic DC War titles from the early 1960’s
*War: A small batch of classic DC titles from the early 1960’s in a mixture of grades, including the first and second appearances of the TNT Trio (Big Al, Little Al and Charlie Cigar) in G I Combat #83 & #84, Sgt Rock in Our Army At War, Gunner, Sarge & Pooch in Our Fighting Forces and Mlle. Marie and The War That Time Forgot in Star Spangled War Stories.
American Update: World’s Finest 1957-1959
*DC: A handful of mostly nice mid-grade copies of World’s Finest between #89 and #101; with evocative covers and good eye appeal, the world’s finest team of Superman & Batman (backed-up by Tomahawk and Green Arrow, the latter sometimes by Kirby) make an attractive proposition in this update.
American Update: Carry On Pre-code Horror Fest: Atlas’s Journey Into Unknown Worlds & Marvel Tales
*Horror 1940-1959: Our Atlas Horror Fest continues with a further ten issues, shared equally between Journey Into Unknown Worlds & Marvel Tales. Pre-code chills with many of the usual suspects in the art department. These issues are generally in low grade and thus very affordable for those of you who want to own a piece of comics history without paying the Earth. Somehow, it almost seems fitting for these historic grand guignols to be in tatty shape! We particularly liked ‘Dial Z For Zombie’ in Marvel Tales #114.
British Update: Loads more Look-In
*TV & Film Related Comics: Yet another huge batch of Look-In new to our listings. This time we feature the years 1983/84 and nearly every issue from 1987-1989.
Books Update: What Me, Worry?
*Mad Books: We are delighted to launch a new category in our Books section for Mad paperbacks, kicking off with over a dozen US editions. These range from collectable first editions from the 1950’s and 1960’s to later printings for those who want a cheaper read. Highlights include the Mad Reader (1st 1954 VG £30), review copy with publisher’s slip and Son Of Mad (1st 1959 FN £20).
Housekeeping Update
On a regular cycle, we sweep through our entire stock to delete sold items and keep our listing as up to date as possible. We’ve just finished deleting sold items from the following files in our American section:
*Vintage Magazine-Sized Comics
and from the following in our British section:
*Marvel UK
*Power Comics
As of the time of writing, these categories are bang up to date, with every item listed available.
American Update: Marvel Preview/Bizarre Adventures – complete run inc 1st Star-Lord & 1st Rocket Raccoon
*Vintage Magazine-Sized Comics: A complete run of Marvel Preview (rechristened Bizarre Adventures mid-run), which featured a bewildering variety of new concepts, different takes on established characters (many of which wouldn’t have been permitted by the Comics Code in Marvel’s regular line), and, let’s be honest, some stuff straight out of the inventory drawer which might not otherwise have seen print. The later popularity of some – at the time – minor characters introduced here makes the run a bewildering switchback of prices! Highlights include #2, with the first telling of the Punisher’s origin, and the first appearance of Dominic Fortune; the premier of Star-Lord in #4 (who then starred in issues #11, #14, #15 and #18), the very first Rocket Raccoon in issue #7 (in a back-up feature), plus Blade, Thor, Kull, Moon Knight, Howard the Duck, Black Widow, Son of Satan, sundry X-Men, Elektra (by Frank Miller), and such never-quite-stars (at least not yet!) as Paradox, Lady Daemon, Man-God and Hangman. A complete series – Marvel Preview # 1-24, and Bizarre Adventures # 25-34 – graces our shelves this update; almost all copies are in VF shape, including the three keys pictured here. #2 VF £50, #4 VF £75, #7 VF £110.
American Update: Hulk #340
*Marvel: A departure from our usual remit is Incredible Hulk #340, by the popular team of Peter David and Todd McFarlane; Peter David was still early in his acclaimed run on Hulk, and McFarlane was early in his career, full stop, so this Hulk/Wolverine clash, with an iconic Wolverine cover, is hugely sought-after as a pivotal issue by readers of a certain generation. VF at £20.
American Update: Inhumans Among Us! Fantastic Four #45 and Amazing Adventures #1
*Marvel: A double dose of Inhumans this update, with their very first appearance in Fantastic Four #45, and the start of their solo series in Amazing Adventures #1! Lee & Kirby introduced the enigmatic Inhumans as supporting cast for the FF, but their popularity grew through repeat appearances, a background series in Thor, and finally their own contemporary feature. True, both Gorgon and Medusa had appeared as villains prior to FF #45, but this was the first time the term was used, and the first time we saw the entire Royal Family of Attilan – Karnak, Crystal, Triton, Lockjaw and Black Bolt. In 1970, when Marvel attempted to revive its old split-book format, a la Tales to Astonish and Strange Tales, the Inhumans, by Lee and Kirby, were one of the features chosen to lead Amazing Adventures, paired with the Black Widow’s first solo following her re-invention in Spider-Man #86. Our copy of Fantastic Four #45 is VG+ at £50, and Amazing Adventures #1 is an astonishing VF/NM, bright, white and tight, also at £50.
British Update: Hurricane #1-3 1964
*Boys’ Adventure & War Comics: From 1964, the first three issues of Hurricane, a short-lived, but well remembered, series (63 issues total) which launched the careers of Sword For Hire, HMS Outcast, Two Fists Against the World, and, most importantly, brawling adventurer Typhoon Tracy and racing driver Skid Solo. Hurricane’s slightly larger than usual format gave a feeling of expansiveness to the title, and allowed the artwork room to breathe, but was unpopular with retailers. Despite being advertised as “A companion paper to Valiant”, it eventually merged into Tiger, where Messrs. Tracy and Solo enjoyed much longer careers than in their parent paper. The #1 is an attractive VG at £50, with only light wear to the upper and lower corners precluding a higher grade. The #’s 2 and 3 are even better, in a remarkable state of reservation for items of this vintage, with no visible edge wear, clean white pages, and only very minor discolouration at the staple areas, both FN at £30 each.
American Update: John Carter of Mars & Tarzan: both Marvel #1’s in VF
*Tarzan/ERB: The first issues of Marvel’s Tarzan, Lord of the Jungle and John Carter, Warlord of Mars, from 1977, when the House of Ideas acquired the ERB properties from DC. Giving the classic heroes a new vigour with their A-list artists – John Buscema on Tarzan and Gil Kane & Dave Cockrum on John Carter – the Marvel iterations ran for three successful years before the ERB estate placed the licence elsewhere. Both issues VF at £10 each.
British Update: Bunty, Debbie, Judy & Mandy Picture Libraries
*Girls’ Picture Libraries: Another top-up to the DC Thomson ‘Big Four’ in this category – Bunty, Debbie, Judy and Mandy, with issues ranging from 1968 (several pre-decimal issues) to the latter days of the 1990’s. With titles like “Horoscopes Rule At Dingley School”, “Lise and the Lilac Ball”, “Slave of the Stable”, and “Terrible Tillie”, all the standard themes – schools, the supernatural, Cinderella transformations and cruelty- are present and correct.
American Update: Astonishing Tales with complete Deathlok & Guardians Of the Galaxy reprint
*Marvel: New in – a complete run of the first series of Deathlok, in the 1970’s series of series of Astonishing Tales! Set in the far-flung future of 1990 (ahem), tragically maimed Luther Manning becomes a cyborg super-soldier and sets out on a path of revenge and redemption, as told by Doug Moench and Rich Buckler. (I know; it just keeps getting better and better, doesn’t it?) However, interest has revived in the character as a result of his incorporation into the TV show Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD, as well as some rumoured media spin-offs, so canny folks wanting to invest in his earliest appearances, from AT #’s 25-36 – now’s the time! As a bonus, his first appearance in AT#25 also features George Perez’s professional art debut. And as a special bonus, we’re also including a low grade copy of AT #29 (from the middle of this run) which has no Deathlok, but reprints the 1st Guardians of the Galaxy story from Marvel Super-Heroes #18.
American Update: Carry On, Pre-Code Horror Fest: Adventures Into Terror & Astonishing
*Horror 1940-1959: A late-night Double Feature in our ‘Carry On, Pre-Code Horror Fest’ this update, with Adventures Into Terror (from the second issue, #44 – oh, those wacky postal licences…) to #8, and Astonishing from #7 to #14, mostly in affordable low grades, and replete with the high-quality chills you’ve come to expect from these Atlas titles. Featuring “The Long Jump Down”, “Melvin and the Martian”, “They Dwell In Darkness” and, hm, “The Walking Dead”, among many other classic creepy tales.
American Update: Captain America #115-119 inc 1st Falcon
*Marvel: A small update of mostly nice graded cents copies of Captain America from #115-119, including #117 VG/FN £30, the first appearance of the Falcon, Sam Wilson, who has gone on, of course, to become Captain America himself these days.
British Update: Mandy 1st 300+ issues
*Girls’ Comics: We’re delighted to present virtually a complete run of the first 300+ issues of Mandy from 1967-1973. Mandy seemed to specialise in stories which were generally moralistic in tone, with long-suffering heroines finally achieving happiness, while villainous relatives or girls who were liars, cheats and bullies received their comeuppance — good hearty fare for its intended audience! The two most popular and longest-running strips were ‘Angel’ and ‘Valda’, the former a Victorian girl with a year to live who devoted her life to helping poor children, the latter virtually a super-powered heroine of indefinite lifespan. The Mandy #1 in this collection is a decent VG copy with no specific faults at £60.
American Update: Vintage Archies inc. many Archie & Co. as Super-Heroes
*Archie: A much overdue update to our vintage Archie stocks. This time we focus on Archie and chums in their super-hero aliases. We have issues of Archie As Pureheart the Powerful (from #1), Archie Giant Series (Super-Hero Special), Jughead as Captain Hero (from #1) and Life With Archie (several of the Pureheart issues, inc. 1st appearance in #42), but we also feature more traditional Archie fare with Archie’s Joke Book, Betty & Me, Josie, Jughead, Laugh & Pep as well as the wacky Tales Calculated To Drive You Bats.
Housekeeping Update
On a regular cycle, we sweep through our entire stock to delete sold items and keep our listing as up to date as possible. We’ve just finished deleting sold items from the following file in our American section:
As of the time of writing, this category is bang up to date, with every item listed available.
American Update: Recent Walking Dead
*Miscellaneous 1960 Onwards: We’ve just added the last six months’ worth of the ever-cuddly Walking Dead to our catalogue.
American Update: New Teen Titans inc #2 (1st Deathstroke)
*DC: The New Teen Titans, the classic 1980’s series by Marv Wolfman & George Perez, joins our catalogue. Just issues #1 and #2 for now, but what issues they are! #1 (VF p £13) features the team getting together, and #2 (VF/NM p £50) has the debut of Slade Wilson AKA Deathstroke the Terminator, who has of course gone on to many versions of his own series, both in the old DCU and the New 52. Great stories and incomparable art adorn this class act, the best comic around at the time. You’ll find them under ‘Teen Titans, New’ in our catalogue.
American Update: Silver Age Batman
*DC: A small but select grouping of Silver Age Batman, led by #129, notable for the debut (and only appearance, as far as we know) of the Spinner, a Batwoman bondage cover and Robin’s origin retold. A decent VG+ pence copy at £80. Also in this update, some nice graded new look issues and Eighty Page Giants.
British Update: Air Ace Picture Library #1
*Boys’ Adventure & War Picture Libraries: It’s #1 of Air Ace Picture Library, one of the most popular of Fleetway’s war-themed series that started in the early 1960’s (in this instance January 1960). The featured story is ‘Target Top Secret’ and this is a very presentable copy in GD at £45, clean and unmarked with just small tears at top and bottom spine and an only slightly rusty staple.
Books Update: My, How You’ve Grown!
Science Fiction,Fantasy & Horror: When we started our post-refurbishment Book section about 6 months ago, we began by putting out enough books to fill just two rows of shelves, even though we still had a few more bookcases to add. Now, with this update, the section is almost completely full, with over 1500 vintage paperbacks (plus a few hardbacks) in stock! The latest additions are an eclectic mix of Science Fiction styles. We have anthologies (edited by Brian Aldiss, the inimitable Judith Merrill, John Carnell, Groff Conklin and Donald Wollheim, amongst others). We have works by venerable and more modern authors: Alfred Bester, James Blish, Arthur C. Clarke, Philip Jose Farmer, Robert Heinlein, Theodore Sturgeon, Jack Vance, Philip K Dick, Larry Niven, Robert Silverberg, Michael Moorcock, Barrington Bayley, Tim Powers, Greg Bear, Gene Wolfe, Kurt Vonnegut, Roger Zelazny and many more. We have signed copies of books by J. G Ballard and Geoff Ryman, as well as two particularly unusual gems: an Asimov anthology with illustrations by Emanuel Schogut and a Golden Amazon (John Russell Fearn) paperback with both the book cover and the dust jacket art by Ron Turner. For the specific genres we carry, we now feel we are up with the best and can hold our heads high in the Bookshop Guide. Many thanks to all those of you who have supported our nascent venture while it’s been growing!
American Update: DC Alphabetical listings conclude: Superman Family-World’s Finest
*DC: A minor milestone for us as we reach the conclusion of our run through our DC extra stock following the space afforded by our refurbishment last year. To conclude this huge task, we present a near complete run of Superman Family (which continued the numbering from Jimmy Olsen after it was cancelled, and featured Jimmy, Lois Lane, Supergirl and a host of other characters from the Superman mythos), first series Swamp Thing, Tales Of The Unexpected (mainly Space Ranger issues), Teen Titans, Wonder Woman (a high grade selection from the Mike Sekowsky years with a de-powered Diana in Modesty Blaise/Emma Peel mode) and finally, a large selection of World’s Finest. Never fear, DC fans, there will be lots more DC titles in the near future, recommencing with the Caped Crusader himself!
Books Update: Tomes From The Tomb
*Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror: In a spine-tingling update we present a range of tomes, mainly by the Master of Horror, H. P. Lovecraft, but also including Robert E. Howard, Jack Williamson and Bram Stoker as well as four more Pan Books of Horror. Finally, for those wondering about Dracula’s daughter and his other relatives, we have a rare copy of ‘The House Of Dracula’ by R . Chetwynd-Hayes.
American Update: ‘Carry on, Pre-code Horror Fest!’; Suspense from Atlas
*Horror 1940-1959: This week, we shine the spotlight on an Atlas title that began as a TV spin-off; Suspense was first a radio, then a TV show in the 1950’s telling done-in-one stories of crime and mystery. The Atlas tie-in started as a crime title, but quickly moved over to horror and fantasy, often with innocuous titles – ‘The Suitcase’, ‘The Dark Road’, ‘The Strange Man’ – which belied their striking content. Maneely, Heath (a classic Heath cover on #14, illustrated left), Everett, Shores and the usual stable of artistic stars abound. We have fourteen new copies added to our stock, between issues #6-25 – almost half of the entire 29-issue run, mostly in very affordable mid-low grades.
Books Update: Away With The Faeries
*Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror: A fine Fantasy update to augment our existing selection, with authors such as Jack Vance, Lord Dunsany and James Branch Cabell. This update also includes a rare copy of C L Moore’s erotic/horror/fantasy masterpiece, Shambleau.
British Update: Loads’a Look-In!
*TV & Film Related Comics: A myriad of Look-In newly listed, with a scattering of issues from 1979- 1981 – but including the crucial debuts of the ‘Worzel Gummidge’ and ‘Charlie’s Angels’ comic strips – and then a substantial run, 80% of the total, from 1983 through to Christmas 1986, extending our stock beyond any previously listed. In addition to the comic strip adaptations of TV shows – highlights include ‘Danger Mouse’, ‘A-Team’, ‘Robin of Sherwood’, ‘Knight Rider’, ‘Terrahawks’ and ‘Supergran’ – there is a plethora of pin-ups and articles about pop-culture phenomena of the day. Stars heavily rotated on the cover include Wham!, Bucks Fizz, Kajagoogoo, Shakin’ Stevens, and Five Star. You have been warned.
Books Update: ERBs Everywhere!
*Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror: An extravaganza of Edgar Rice Burroughs’ works join our existing collection, featuring the heroic trio of John Carter (Mars), Carson Napier (Venus) and Tarzan (Apes, Jungle, Earth’s Core, Lost Empire, City of Gold, Forbidden City etc etc).
American Update: 3 first issues for Marvel’s 1970’s teams: Defenders, Invaders, X-Men
*Marvel: Three highly collectible first issues for Marvellous teams of the 1970’s this week: first up, Defenders #1 VF/NM £115 (with #2 FN/VF £20 for good measure), then a stunning NM £85 copy of Invaders #1, the greatest super-heroes of World War Two, and finally, X-Men #94, the first issue of the All-New, All-Different X-Men, a FN £150 copy of the first in the ongoing series, following on from Giant-Size X-Men #1, which would be the leading light of the Marvel Universe for decades to come. All cents copies, of course, and suitable to grace the collection of any Marvelite!
British Update: Beano & Buster
*Humour Comics: A massive update for two of our most popular titles, Beano & Buster. Hundreds of new issues in for the following years: Beano 1958, 1967-1976, 1978, 1980, 1983, 1984, 1989, 1998, 2000 and the promotional special for 2014; Buster 1968-1975.
British Update: Warlord, Warrior & Wizard
*Boys’ Adventure & War Comics: An alliterative update for 3 titles in this popular category: Warlord from 1974/75 inc. issue #2, Warrior (1982) inc. the Marvelman Special, and Wizard (second series), with issues from the early 1970’s, including some from the first year of 1970.
Housekeeping Update
On a regular cycle, we sweep through our entire stock to delete sold items and keep our listing as up to date as possible. We’ve just finished deleting sold items from the following files in our American section:
*Modern Reprints
*Magazines/Books About Vintage US Comics
and from our British section:
*TV & Film Related Comics
*Girls’ Comics
As of the time of writing, these categories are bang up to date, with every item listed available.
Books Update: Books of famous films and TV mostly from the 1960’s
*TV/Film Tie-Ins: The swingin’ sixties are the main focus for this week’s Books Update. We have 2 Avengers novels (including the first and only Cathy Gale one from 1963), and novelisations of the following films: Bonnie & Clyde, Heavens Above, Taras Bulba, That Touch Of Mink, The Wrong Box and Those Magnificent Men In Their Flying Machines. Oh, and a couple of items from the 1970’s/80’s that go by the names of Star Trek and Star Wars — you may have heard of them. And finally, from 1979, Nosferatu The Vampyre (you may have heard of him too, but wish you hadn’t if he gives you the creeps as much as he does us!).
American Update: Assembling the Avengers #61-100
*Marvel: Our ‘Assembling the Avengers’ event continues with issues #61-100, featuring such events as the debuts of the Invaders, the Lethal Legion, Arkon, and the Squadrons Sinister and Supreme; the Kree-Skrull War; the transformation of Hawkeye to Goliath (and then back again!); the villainy of Kang, Ultron, and the crime cartel Zodiak; and, smashing the patriarchy, the lovely and lethal Lady Liberators! This run was mainly illustrated by the brothers Buscema (with Sal having quite a bit more verve than he showed in later years, plus a few issues by the wonderful Gene Colan, with a couple of young upstarts called Barry Smith and Neal Adams helping out from time to time. Like the rest of this collection, this run is characterised by high grades, with VF- being the average condition. Scans of #81 (NM p £75 – double cover) and #84 (NM- £57) are shown here.
British Update: Spaceship Away!
*Magazines/Books About Vintage UK Comics: The most recent four issues of Spaceship Away!, the lovingly-crafted fan tribute to the Eagle’s Dan Dare and his peers, are added to our stock; #’s 32-35, featuring, in addition to DD himself, Jet Morgan, Garth, Nick Hazard and a plethora of articles, illustrations and reminiscences.
New Comics down in price — no foolin’!
We’re delighted to announce that, beginning with comics shipping today, our prices for new American comics are being reduced. $3.99 comics will now be £3, $2.99 will now be £2.25 and higher prices will also be brought into line. If you have your comics with us on standing order/subscription service, you will also benefit from these reduced prices. Despite today’s date, this is no trick! (Honest!). What better time, as DC gear up for Convergence and Marvel for Secret Wars, to jump on board for the thrills and fun?
Easter Opening Hours
We’ll be open as usual this Easter: Monday to Saturday 10:30 to 18:00. So, Good Friday and Easter Monday we’ll be open as normal, and closed as normal on Easter Sunday. What better way to spend the holiday than browsing our boxes and shelves and adding to your collection?
American Update: Fantastic Four #48 (1st Surfer) FN £135
*Marvel: A spotlight on one of the most significant issues in Marvel history: Fantastic Four # 48! A cosmic saga from Stan Lee and Jack Kirby, it pits the Marvel Universe’s First Family against Galactus, Devourer of Worlds, and his herald, the Silver Surfer, in the first appearance of both those entities! Hugely sought-after, this is a Fine copy, with no UK price or overstamp, and an unmarred cover scene with unbroken colour (though Jolly Jack rather missed a beat in not having the big G. appear on the cover…) Offered at £135.
British Update: ‘Tea, M’Lady?’ ‘FAB, Parker!’
*TV & Film Related Comics: 1966’s Lady Penelope was launched in the wake of the successful TV Century 21, and was scooped up by girls (and more than a few furtive boys, because of the Thunderbirds tie-in) nationwide, becoming an instant hit. In addition to the adventures of the eponymous aristocrat, ‘British Agent’ for International Rescue, there were TV adaptations with a distaff twist: adventures of Bewitched, and Marina – Girl of the Sea (from Stingray), plus The Beverley Hillbillies, The Perils of Parker (Lady P’s larcenous manservant) and the Man From UNCLE (what’s he doing there?). Later additions to the line-up included the high-flying Angels from Captain Scarlet, the Girl From UNCLE, Daktari, the hugely popular Monkees, and, oh dear, Crossroads. Yes, that Crossroads. Lady P. is rarer even than her stablemates TV21 and Joe 90, so we’re particularly pleased to have fifty new issues added to our listings, in a broad variety of grades. Photos of #3, #9 & #22 below:
American Update: It begins! ‘Carry On, Pre-Code Horror Fest!’ with Atlas’s Mystery Tales
*Horror 1940-1959: Our “Carry On Pre-Code” horrorfest is exclusively Atlas, and inaugurated by perhaps the most sought-after Atlas horror series of all, Mystery Tales. (Seriously, have you seen what some of these go for on eBay? Yikes!) 19 new issues for our listing, from the very first in 1951, with lurid covers featuring all the old favourites – zombies, ghosts, vampires, burial alive – by all the old favourites – Heath, Post, Everett, Maneely and more. This selection includes a handful of relatively higher grade beauties, in VG/FN, but a tempting wodge of very affordable mid-to-low grade issues, giving the average reader a chance to see what all the fuss is about! Images of several shown here:
British Update: Giggle #1
*Humour Comics: An oddity this week: the first issue of Giggle, a 1967 IPC/Fleetway launch which features a great many translated European reprints; perhaps they were testing the market to see if corners could be cut on original material? Features include “Hobby Hoss”, caped crusader “Captain Swoop”, detective parody “Herlock Sholmes”, and western adventurer “Buck Bingo”, but no-one’s heart really seems to have been in it, and it got consumed by Buster in less than a year. Still, an achieveable short run, and a #1 in Good condition, with no significant defects, at £25.
British Update: Valiant #1
*Boys’ Adventure & War Comics: From 1962, the very first issue of Valiant, the anthology which re-invented the adventure weekly for a modern audience, and prompted makeovers in its stablemates Lion and Tiger. Featuring the debuts of Captain Hurricane (much less comedic than he became in later years) and the anti-hero Steel Claw, as well as long-running comedy series The Nutts, this was the foundation of a fifteen-year run. This copy is a bargain because of its extremely poor condition; while it is complete, it’s ragged and worn, so we’ve priced it fairly at £15. It comes with a free, albeit incomplete, copy of issue #2, also in dilapidated state, just because we’re too good to you!
American Update: They’re back! The Big Panty Monsters!
*Marvel: They’re back! Before the Marvel Heroes, there were – Big Panty Monsters! These gargantuan behemoths who bestrode the world, conquering all before them, while rocking enormous reinforced-gusset underpants! New listings for Journey Into Mystery, Strange Tales, Tales of Suspense, and Tales to Astonish, bring us the pulse-pounding premieres of Korilla! The Two-Headed Thing! Metallo! Colossus! Gorgilla! Thorr! And the one & only (well, until the other one came along) Hulk! These Lee & Kirby creature features are ranging from GD+ to FN/VF, tempting both the high-grade investor and the curious reader. Cover scans of some key issues reproduced below:
British Update: 1960’s Girls’ Annuals
*Annuals: A small update featuring a handful of Girls’ Annuals from the 1960’s: Bumper Book Of Thrills for Girls, Bunty 1963 & 1964, June 1962 & 1963, Princess & Princess Pony Book and the Supreme Book For Girls.
American Update: Take That, Patriarchy!
*Marvel: Coinciding with today’s Guardian article on female super-heroes, we present a septet of Mighty Marvel’s fabulous femmes debut issues from the 1970’s/80’s. Beware the Claws of the Cat! Delight in the disco diva Dazzler! This Female Fights Back – Ms. Marvel! She-Devil With A Sword – Red Sonja! She-Devil with a fur swimsuit – Shanna! Gamma ray cousin the Savage She-Hulk! And Spider-Woman – To Know Her Is To Fear Her! All high grade copies set to rise in price in years to come.
American Update: The Cousins of Steel and their chums in the LSH
*DC: Our alphabetical sweep through the Silver/Bronze Age of the DCU continues with Superboy, Supergirl & Superman. Specifically, we have issues of Superboy & The Legion from #200 (Bouncing Boy/Duo Damsel wedding) right through the Earthwar saga up to the end of the run with #258 (after which the Legion took over), the first Supergirl series from 1972 and a large range of classic Superman between #139 & #307, as well as superb Giant Annuals from #1 onwards. A feast of plenty to keep us up with the Kryptonians!